This is just a place where I will come to sometimes tell you a story or share something with you.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Urban Feline Interpretation

I was on my way to work this morning. I leave the house earlier than most of the other commuters so am usually one of the first out on the streets. I live in what you would call a repressed part of London and every now and then it wouldn't be too unusual to find the odd curiosity on my morning walk to the station.

I find the walk to the station in the morning to be a time for curious happenings. I've seen junkies completely whacked out and sleeping while standing up, the remains of a dog fight, foxes fucking, I regularly see sofas and mattresses freshly dumped in the middle of the street, mashed up cars that have been stripped to the bone. You get the picture.

Today however proved different. Today gave me hope. Today proved to me that the diverse urban fauna that I share my little corner of London with have a hidden and coded message to tell to us all. Through the medium of contemporary minimalist art. I learnt today that cats in Catford are either brilliant post modernist modern day commentators, or just plain living up to my lifetime maxim of "Cats and Cunts, you rarely see the two of them together in the same room".

I give you their latest offering...

Cat Shit Slap Bang In The Middle Of A Slice Of Bread On Street

What a fucking shot!

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