This is just a place where I will come to sometimes tell you a story or share something with you.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Amy Fucking Winehouse - The Junkie

What a fucking mess. Can everyone stop feeling sorry for Amy now please. I'm fed up of hearing how she has made the wrong choices and being given so much sympathy. No one says the same about other junkies lying in the street and rightly so. It is no different for her just because she can fucking sing. How the fuck does that change anything?

This is a woman from a privileged background with absolutely no other worries past the same ones we all contend with on a daily basis. She chooses to marry a thuggish man with a double barrelled name who happily goes round menacing anyone and everyone that is stupid enough to appear on his radar. Her addiction isn't anything new either.

There are far more deserving cases of your pity out there and I can almost guarantee that everyone who cries out about how worried they are for her are the same people that gladly walk past countless homeless every single day. The problem here is not her drug addiction, it is the way we now perceive celebrity. If you were happy enough to pass again that man that stands at the station asking for a little change then you are a hypocrite. Of the worst kind. If we were all to take care of those within our direct community then someone somewhere would be stopping and putting an arm around Miss Winehouse because they have known her since she was a child and not because they see her ravaged face every day in the newspaper. That might work but it will never happen. Feeling sorry for Amy is now almost within the protecting confines of political correctness. You HAVE to feel sorry for her, that is a thing you will talk about at your bourgeois dinner parties. Along with global warming and treatment of the disabled. All conversation to be accompanied while quaffing the finest of red wines ("Honestly Cressida, I have no idea how they make it so cheap as well. There really isn't too much shame in buying this in Tescos for under a fiver these days you know") and a few lines of the choicest Colombian cocaine ("Tarquin, isn't it funny how the price of cocaine hasn't gone up in over twenty years? I wonder why that is?"). To those who would gladly invite a crackhead into their house purely out of concern for them, I apologise. Everyone else should look and think, and then stop talking shit.

Forget how good her voice is and pay more attention to how she chooses to live her life. If anyone needed to take a look at themselves in the mirror it is Winehouse and all she would need to do is pick up any newspaper to see how far her standards have dropped.

I have never felt anything other than extreme distaste where I have encountered such cases myself and Winehouse is no different. She has been in this situation herself now for long enough to have had any personal epiphanies and wake the fuck up from her drug induced stupour. To give her any more pity than any other drugged up fuck face is blatant double standards. Treat her as you would any other user. They are to be stepped over in the gutter and that is it. It isn't that hard to change your life, don't believe the media commentators when they tell you how hard it is to kick these habits cos it fucking isn't. I know it isn't that hard as I have encountered similar problems myself in my youth. I wasn't a millionaire either.

She is now reaping the fruits of her labour and we should all stand back and let her enjoy them. Yum yum, eat up Amy

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