This is just a place where I will come to sometimes tell you a story or share something with you.

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Fuck off and leave me alone...

I'm one of those people who go everywhere with my MP3 player. The only time I don't have the earphones in my ear is when i'm talking to someone. Music makes my day to day life easier, i'm pretty sure it's the same for a huge proportion of all of us.

Has anyone else noticed how till attendants are briefed by their bosses to ask so many fucking questions nowadays? It never used to be this bad.

"You want cash back?".... No
"Do you have a customer loyalty card?".... If I did you'd know about it
"Would you like fries with that?".... This is a bookshop motherfucker
"Would you like chocolate sprinkles on top?".... I just ordered a cup of tea, why the fuck would I want chocolate sprinkles on top of a cup of tea.

Now, I'm not an anti social person, I love human company, crave it sometimes, and genuinely value my friends, and i'm not averse to chatting to complete strangers, but when I want to. I HAVE EARPHONES IN. For the intentionally stupid that means I am listening to music, that means I DO NOT want to talk to you.

I may be being a little harsh when I am saying this because I understand that companies brief their staff to make more sales, thus the stupid questions, but please, fuck off.

The best way I have found of dealing with this is to stand there at the till, hand out waiting for change, staring the attendant dead in the eye, blatantly making no attempt to understand what they are saying. Standing like a statue, until they realise that they may be seconds away from a violent stabbing and quit with the incessant nonsense and just hand the change back. If they have been extra annoying and keep asking questions that I haven't understood (OBVIOUSLY, seeing as my earphones are in and the volume is turned right up) then I stand there palm still open, with the change freshly deposited in my hand for a couple more seconds, still staring them dead in the eye. You know what I mean, just a second too long. Thats when the nervous smiles come out and they eagerly try to break eye contact with me, but they can't.

It is a little harsh I know. They are just doing their job, but almost every time I have been back to the same shop, same till, same attendant, they stop trying to engage me in conversation, conversation with the sole intention of making me give them more of my cash. Cash that I have earned in my soul destroying job. I have a fucking right to guard against nonsense when spending it.


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