This is just a place where I will come to sometimes tell you a story or share something with you.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

The First Steps To Becoming A Serial Killer

If I was feeling like writing something particularly eloquent about the way I feel right now, I would probably begin with an insight into the situation that caused this urge. I am not feeling it right now so I shall have to make do with a question.

If you knew for a fact that you could get away with it, would you go on an indiscriminate killing spree?

I'm talking all out war. You against the world. No guns allowed. An indiscriminate killing spree executed with stunning bravado and otherworldly elegance. Your weapons? Blades of all sizes and descriptions. Unleashing the Rapture on your neighbourhood with style and artistry of the highest level. The entire populace unlawfully separated from their appendages against their will, obviously. As you complete your god given mission, you view your desolate creation with the light of religious fervour shining brightly in your eyes as your chest heaves to suck in air, arms hanging tired at your side. Then, and only then, can you drop the machetes beside you, walk slowly to the local McDonald's, cook yourself a Filet O' Fish which you eat slowly, savouring every bite as you ponder The Book of Revelations, and more specifically your place in it.

I wouldn't think twice.

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